JMARFITNESS is a personal training company based in North London. Inferno Switch and JMARFITNESS have been working together to create all of the media advertising assets for their campaigns. Take a look.

Marketing socially



As a start-up small business, JMARFITNESS needed to launch a website, become attuned with platforms like google analytics, and track their lead generation conversion metrics. We helped them start this process.

photo & Video ads

Social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest require digital media to fill out a small businesses feeds. We helped JMARFITNESS create engaging photo and video media that invites their ideal customers into the JMARFITNESS ecosystem.


2020 Lockdown 1 - June

JMARFITESS provides a personal training service which requires a trainer and a trainee. We captured model sessions throughout the 2020 Lockdown month of June, to exhibit JMARFITNESS’ ability to work in challenging and new conditions.



During the entire month of June 2020, we created a daily vlog series with JMARFITNESS. The goal was to train every single day and work towards completing Louis’ first ever half-marathon.


the project was a success. We created a daily vlog a day, 30 in total, leading up to the half-marathon, which louis and james completed together.


Throughout the project JMARFITNESS and Inferno Switch were able to collect various photos and videos which would be used for future marketing campaigns.


Make content that inspires.

